The Wokine TeamThe Wokine TeamThe Wokine TeamThe Wokine TeamThe Wokine Team

digital experts making up a team of project managers, designers, front-end and back-end web developers and many other specialties…

All these complementary talents enjoy working together, and share common values. This can explain why some of us have been part of the agency for 3, 5, 7, and even 10 years!

Join the team
Since 2004

A step forward under the direction of a keen duo 

In 2004, Nicolas Quilliet has created Wokine, driven by the vision of his dream agency, the one in which he would have loved to work. This story finds its roots in his core desire to share and pass on, leading him to raise other businesses in the digital and cultural industry over the years. At the same time, Nicolas invests himself as a speaker, tackling subjects such as entrepreneurship, digital transformation and innovation with Réseau Entreprendre Nord and La French Tech Lille.

Following a strong path in the digital industry, Delphine Bontemps has joined Wokine as a matter of General Director, bringing her in-depth knowledge in digital strategy.

Passionate about innovation, Delphine fully commits herself to the starups’ ecosystem, providing these young companies with her operating experience and her strategic skills.

Her commitments goes beyond her professional position, as she also pass-on her expertise in several schools and universities, contributing to the elaboration of teaching programs dedicated to the next generation of digital professionals.

The association of these two digital enthusiastics has given rise to a solid partnership, forged over time. Their common goal: Make Wokine reach new heights by meeting digital challenges with demanding, ambitious and innovative customers.

Nicolas Quilliet et Delphine Bontemps
Our CSR approach

A committed,

Label RSE

Since 2021, Wokine has been awarded with the “RSE Agences Actives” label. Aware of social and environmental implications of our activity, we are committed to implementing positive and sustainable solutions.

our CSR actions

Above all, we want to build a long-term partnership with our customers. If we carry out your project, we will spend time together. You will have a dedicated team, on a human scale, conveying its ideas and expertise fluidly and transparently with you.

New officeNew officeNew officeNew officeNew officeNew officeNew officeNew officeNew officeNew office

Wokine is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a new website, but not only. A new page in our history is about to be written: Wokine will soon be moving…